Merchant Accounts for Inbound Outbound Telemarketing

You probably know that outbound telemarketing companies are looked down on by most people, but did you know that it can be hard for companies in this industry to find a merchant account? Even inbound telemarketing businesses sometimes have difficulties finding merchant account services that don't have restrictively expensive fees and rates attached to them because of the nature of the marketing industry.
Inbound / Outbound Telemarketing Merchant Accounts
This is the list we've put together of the most common considerations you want to make if you need a merchant account for an inbound or outbound telemarketing company. It's worth it to take the time and search for a provider who is going to work the best for you in this controversial industry.
Chargebacks - One of the most crucial points to look at in any merchant account you're considering is how they handle chargebacks. This is likely going to happen frequently due to the nature of telemarketing businesses, which is why some companies have problems getting a merchant account without outrageous fees. (Read below for how IBI Merchant Services can help with this!)
Payment Methods - You want to be able to accept credit card payments like Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Amex (American Express), of course, but you should also be able to accept payments via electronic checks and/or ACH processing. The more types of payments you can accept, the bigger your chance of getting the sale on the phone.
Application Process - Another area you want to concentrate on is the application process. You want to find something that's easy to fill out - preferably online. Also, make sure you don't fall for paying super high application fees. Some merchant accounts also charge setup fees which can be expensive, especially if you're a startup company.
Recurring Billing - If your company is selling a service or product that is used more than once, you want to make sure you find a merchant account that offers the ability to easily set up recurring billing. This makes it super easy to grow your revenue stream monthly because you don't have to worry about calling customers back to bill them again and again.
iPhone / Android Mobile Apps - This isn't going to be necessary for all telemarketing companies, but it can be a way to differentiate your company from all the others in this very competitive industry. Imagine being able to accept payments via mobile applications on smartphones and other mobile devices.
Merchant Accounts for Telemarketers
IBI Merchant Services has worked with many inbound and outbound telemarketing companies over the years. We have a very good understanding of the needs of this industry, and we can help you with a merchant account that will work perfectly for you. Whether you have a startup business or you have been running a telemarketing company for a while and want to look at other merchant accounts that are available, you should give us a call. We can answer all of your questions and get you up and running with no setup or application fees.