Merchant Accounts for Online Dating Websites

The wrong merchant accounts for online dating websites are one of the reasons many startups fail. The dating industry is very competitive these days and features of the actual website are important, for sure, but one area that also needs a lot of consideration is choosing the right merchant account. Finding one that will deal with a dating website and all that comes with running one can be difficult to say the least. Below, we have a list of the major things you want to look for when taking payments online.
Dating Website Merchant Account: What You Need
You know, of course, that a merchant account is needed, but do you know they're not all the same? Some companies like to charge dating sites higher fees and rates because of the nature of the business. Here is a list of what you want to think about before you decide which company to use for your online date website.
No Application Fees - One of the things stopping people from getting a merchant account is the application and set up fees. Luckily, you can get one without any fees for the application or setup if you know where to look. (See below for more.)
Friendly Staff - When you have to deal with a problem, it's important to be able to pick up the phone and deal with professional people who are also friendly. The people behind your merchant account need to be able to communicate effectively.
Payment Processing - Obviously, an online dating site is going to want to be able to take payments using a virtual terminal without card not present and no signature. This is easy with the right merchant account.
Recurring Billing - Another area of importance is the ability to accept recurring payments. This is actually key for dating websites that need to keep their paid membership numbers up on a monthly basis.
Iphone/Droid Mobile Apps - Many people these days get online via a mobile device more frequently than on their desktop computer or even a laptop. This is why it's crucial to be able to take payments this way. Not all merchant accounts offer it.
Chargebacks - When it comes to dating sites, one problem is people deciding they don't want the paid membership and initiating a chargeback on their credit card. This is why some merchant account providers don't like to deal with dating websites.
Looking at the list above, it's easy to see that there are a lot of things you want to think about carefully before you decide on one merchant account or another.
Affordable Online Dating Merchant Accounts
If you run an online dating website and need a merchant account that's solid, stable and secure, you should call IBI Merchant Services. We have dealt with all sorts of dating sites large and small, and we intimately understand what it takes to successfully run a business. Being able to take payments in general and more specific things like recurring billing are crucial for success.